Policy & Data

FGLRC Policy Platform & Data Sources

The FGLRC provides focused leadership and coordination of early learning experts and state agency partners to develop an ongoing strategic plan that addresses overall improvements in child outcomes including an increased number of children who are ready for school, have higher attendance, show decreased levels of summer learning loss and are reading at grade level. Incremental change in each of these areas will be targeted by statewide policy efforts while local communities and other partners continue to focus resources and efforts on improvements to school readiness, summer learning, attendance and other factors impacting child development. Through coordination of public and private sector early-learning leadership, the FGLRC plan development focuses on system improvements and resources needed to support children’s development and improve grade-level reading outcomes.

FGLRC Policy & Data Documents & Links

Florida Grade-Level Reading Campaign’s Policy Platform and Executive Summary

Florida Children’s Council Priority Issues and Capitol Connection

Funded in part by Florida Grade Level Reading Campaign
Florida Chamber Foundation’s Business Alliance for Early Learning and Early Learning Infographics

Florida Chamber Foundation Gap Map and Scorecard

Florida Office of Early Learning Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten Rates

Florida Department of Education Kindergarten Readiness Screener

Florida Department of Education English Language Arts (ELA)/ Third Grade Reading Scores by County.