The resource links below provide data on children and family health, education, and well-being and may be helpful to grade-level reading communities as they implement their Community Solutions Action Plan (CSAP) and identify targeted service areas for those most in need.
The Florida Children’s Council/Florida Grade-Level Reading Campaign is currently engaged in a 2016 statewide fiscal, resource, and policy mapping and analysis of grade-level reading efforts and services throughout the state. At the conclusion of our study, a visual presentation, baseline data including a map of current resources dedicated to grade-level reading resources, and an assessment of strengths and challenges will be posted on this site.
- Annie E. Casey Foundation Kids Count
- Bureau of Justice Statistics
- Florida Charts: Maternal and Child Health
- Florida Department of Education Data and Reports
- Florida Health Statistics and Data
- Florida Kids Count
- National Assessment of Educational Progress
- New America: Policy Analysis Data Visualization Tool
- National Institute for Early Education Research
- U.S. Census Bureau
- U.S. Census Bureau Education