by Brian O'Toole | Oct 2, 2023
BookSmart is a free digital library for children 3-12 years old. It showcases digital books in various languages, including English and Spanish. BookSmart can be viewed as a website or downloaded as an app on any electronic device that uses iOS or Android software. It can be used:
To enhance in and out of school time reading.
To help parents engage in conversations around books.
To provide book access and programming for out of school clubs and libraries.
Be sure to use 4-character library code FACC to access our Florida library.
by Brian O'Toole | Sep 6, 2022
The B.E.S.T. Standards for English Language Arts (ELA) are literacy standards for Florida students that will shape their education and make Florida the most literate state in the nation. Parent Guides are available to help families learn more about the B.E.S.T. ELA Standards for students in grades kindergarten through grade 8. This resource provides suggested book lists, activities to encourage learning at home in ways that are fun for parents and children and important educational (academic) words that parents will see in their child’s grade-level standards.
by Brian O'Toole | Jul 14, 2022
New Worlds Reading is Florida’s free at-home literacy program to help eligible VPK through 5th grade students in Florida bolster literacy skills, build reading confidence, and foster a lifelong love of reading. Each month, eligible kids receive a free book tailored to their interests with resources and activities for caregivers and children to use together. The UF Lastinger Center for Learning administers the program and selected Scholastic as a partner. Books are selected in collaboration with the Florida Department of Education and are available in English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, and braille. For more information, visit
by Brian O'Toole | Jul 14, 2022
The UF Lastinger Center for Learning improves the quality of teaching, learning, and caregiving. We research, develop, and scale equitable educational innovations for adults and children that put all learners on trajectories for lifelong success. We provide professional development in early learning, literacy, and mathematics.
by Brian O'Toole | Jul 14, 2022
Pursuant to Section 402.305(2)(d)5., F.S., all child care personnel must complete a single course of training in early literacy and language development of children ages birth through five years that is a minimum of five clock hours or .5 CEUs. Early literacy training must be completed within 12 months of date of employment in the child care industry. Proof of completion may be documented on a certificate of course completion, classroom transcript, or diploma.