by Brian O'Toole | Aug 25, 2022
This eBook from The Reading League provides a firm definition of what the science of reading is, what it is not, and how all stakeholders can understand its potential to transform reading instruction. Digital copy citation: 1st within text citation: (The Reading League [TRL], 2022) Subsequent text citations: (TRL, 2022).
To purchase a hard copy of this book, click here.
by Brian O'Toole | Jul 13, 2022
Developed in partnership with the University of Florida Lastinger Center, Florida Grade-Level Reading Campaign literacy tip sheets are designed to support families, caregivers, and teachers who provide early reading instruction to preschool age children. These easy-to-implement tips and strategies help build early language and literacy skills right at home, are available in English and Spanish, and some provide links to video resources to watch early literacy instruction in action.
by Brian O'Toole | Jul 13, 2022
The Department of Children and Families Office of Child Care Regulation offers an online course titled ‘Supporting Literacy in School-Age Programs’. The goal of this course is to prepare out-of-school time (OST) practitioners to foster the development of reading and writing in school-age children, and to identify and address risk factors for delays in literacy in order to mitigate or prevent future illiteracy. This 5 hour 6 module course is available in English and Spanish and includes an early literacy study guide with over 80 helpful resources links. K-5 Afterschool and Summer Camp providers are strongly encouraged to take this inexpensive, self-paced, online course to improve their literacy coaching skills with the students they serve.
by Brian O'Toole | Jul 13, 2022
The ability to read is an essential tool for children’s success throughout their lifetime, with third grade reading proficiency being a critical milestone. This document details elements of K-5 afterschool or summer programs that may provide positive effects on reading achievement and are aligned with the seven domains of the Florida Standards for Quality Afterschool Programs. Along with 21 promising literacy practices, this document includes a reference section of important resources for out-of-school-time staff. OST programs may also request professional development training on this literacy tool, provided by the Florida Grade-Level Reading Campaign at the Florida Alliance of Children’s Councils and Trusts.
by Brian O'Toole | Jul 13, 2022
Florida Grade-Level Reading Campaign’s YouTube channel has a variety of professionally produced public service announcement videos related to early learning topics. The videos are available in various short lengths and in English and Spanish, covering topics including The Importance of Early Language Development, The Importance of Attendance, and The Importance of Summer Learning Opportunities.